About Me

My name is Lawson and I was born in Longview Tx. I was born in the month of January. I have 3 blood relatives and none of them are my age. My oldest sister lives in Shreveport, and my second oldest lives in Alabama, and the youngest lives in Kilgore with my mom.My parents are divorced and have been for eight years. I have two homes so if one gets burned down or gets swiped by a tornado I can go to the other one.I can’t spend much time with my mom because during the weekdays I’m with my dad so on on friday through sunday I am with my mom.

        My hobbies are hunting, fishing, and spending time with my friends. I like spending time with my friends better than my other hobbies because not every day the fish are biting and the ducks are flying.

       My goal is to do better than I ever have in school because this year I am in eighth grade so I need to step up.

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