Extreme Emotions

 “Be slow to anger and fast to forgive.” The Bible says that for people who acts as leaders. What will happen if we are not fast to forgive and not slow to anger. We can’t act as a leder right? Emotion is important to control because it affects how we live in the future because we might regret desisions from the past and protects us from a life of regret.
 I know that it is sometimes hard to forgive when we are angry or upset with someone. For example, think if the person you were mad at is dead. This could help you by realizing that the issue you have with someone or something is not that important and not worth someone being dead. This is why we need o learn how to forgive someone because we could get violent and hurt someone or even yourself.When having negative emotions, we must realize that it’s not the end of te world and we have to get through our negativity somehow or another, If we don’t,our emotions will grow more and more negative toward someoneand that could possibly end your relationship with someone. So try to think of the future, you can’t be mad at a small thing forever, even if it’s something or someone that you dislike did. Think of the person you dislke is in your class and caught a ferocious disease or was in a tragic car crash and died. Think of how that persons friends and family would feel.
 When being mad at small things, it’s not hard to understand that much more could go wrong. Try and take a couple of breaths and clear the problems that you have when you’re feeling extreme emotions in a negative way. Who knows, maybe your emotions can help you grow in relationships because that helps you understand that we need certain people in our lives. If you have been mad at a person for a long time and you haven’t forgave them yet, think of the worst thing that could happen, then be thankful that it didn’t happen. For example, think of that one person that you are the most mad at and picture them being hit by a train, then hopefully you would feel sorrow for that person’s friends and family members.
Therefore, do what is right, forgive and forget, be slow to anger and fast to forgive. Realize that the world is not going to end because of what your mad at, much more could go wrong so keep your patience.

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